CV English



                – Professor of Information Law, University of Leiden

                 – International Arbitrator and Mediator 

Additonal functions:

                –  Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

                – Member of the editorial board of the Dutch Arbitration Journal

                – Member of the editorial board of the Journal for Privacy and Information

                – Member of the Advisory Board of the Association for Accountability and Internet


                 –  Chairman of the disciplinary committee of the Association of EDP-Auditors    



                –  Dr. Jur. (cum laude), University of Amsterdam (1973)

                 –  Law study, specializing in civil law and admini­strative law, University of Leiden,

                   (graduated in 1959)

                 – Law study, specializing international private law, Faculté de Droit et des Sciences

                    Economiques, Sorbonne, Paris (196­2)


Professional qualifications and activities:

              –  Assistant public prosecutor Rotterdam (1962-1965)

              –  Member of the bar of Rotterdam (Nauta, Dutilh c.s., 1966-1969)

               –  Judge in the district court of Rotterdam (1969-1974)

              –  Full professor of Jurisprudence, Erasmus University of Rotterdam (1974-1977)

              –  Full professor of Jurisprudence, University of Leiden (1977-1983)

              –  Member of the State Council (1983-1987)

              – Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences since 1988 

              – Judge in the appeal court of The Hague (1977-2004)

              – Member of the Social Economic Council of the Netherlands (1988-2004)

              – Full professor of Jurisprudence and Law and Computer Science University of Leiden

                (1987- 2001)

              – Professor of Information Law, University of Leiden ( 2001-    )    

Former functions:             

              – Senator, member of the First Chamber of the Dutch Parliament (since 2004 – 2015)

              – Deputy Chairman of the Senate (2011 – 2015)

              – Deputy Chairman of the Christian-Democratic Group (2007 – 2015)

              – Chairman of the Netherlands Parliamentary Delegation to the Council of               Europe  (2009 – 2015)

              – Chairman of the Netherlands Parliamentary Delegation of the Organisation

                   for Security and Cooperation in Europe  (2009 – 2015)  

              – Dean of the Faculty of Law of Leiden University (1995-1998)

              – General Secretary of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (1999 -2002)            

            – Member of the board of the Netherlands Mediation Institute

            – Member Editorial Board ICT-contracts

           – Chairman of the Council for the Arbitration and Mediation in ICT-conflicts (1990-2009)

          – Chairman of the Appeal Council for disciplinary affairs with regard to Tax-advisers     

          – Member of the Board of the Carnegie Foundation (the governing body of thPeace Palace)    (1998 – 2010)

          – Member of the board of the Hague Academy for International Law (1998 – 2010)

          – Member Editorial Board Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis (1980 – 2008)

          – Chairman of the governmental Working committee Informati­on Technology andLaw, to advise the Dutch ministers of Economic Affairs and of Education andSciences (1994 – 2002)

– Member of the board of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Organisation for  commercial conflicts (1992 – 2007)

              – Member and chairman of various special advisory com­mittees for the Dutch

                Government in relation to the use of radio and tv broadcasting

              – Chairman of the board of the research institute of the Christian Democratic Party (1987-1995)

– Member of the Advisory Board of the  Insurance Company “Onderlinge ‘s Gravenhage” (1990 – 2010)

              – Consultant in the programme of the United Nations Development Programme of upgrading the judiciary in developing countries, special tasks in Indonesia, Vietnam  and Moldova

Major publications:


              – Vervolgingsbeleid: The policy of public attorneys in the Netherlands (Ph.D.

                dissertation 1973)

              – Maat en Regel (Measures and Rules): the prospect of jurimetrics (1974)

              – Introduction to the Theory of Law, (1981- 10th ed. 2003)

              – ICT-contracten: Models for the practising lawyer (1991,yearly updates)

              – Recht en Computer (ed.) (Information Technology and the Law),(4th ed.2001)

              – Information Technology and Criminal Law (ed.), (1987)

              – Nemo Plus…(an analysis of Law and the Internet) 2001



              More than 300 articles and opinions in the field of jurisprudence and legal theory, criminal law, company law and information law.



            – Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion (1995) for outstanding performances for the

              benefit of the Dutch community

             – The “COMGE”award (1992) for an excellent contribution to the conscientious use of

             new means of technology

            – The “Van Borsselen” award of the City of Rotterdam (1987) for an impressive 

             contribution to stimulate the cultural life in the city of Rotterdam

             -The “Modderman”reward for the best doctorate thesis in the field of criminal law and

               sociology of law (1973)            


January 2018

Contact: Prof. Dr Hans Franken,  Laan van Clingendael 94, 2597 CE The Hague, Netherlands

                  e-mail:, mob +31 6 52 43 50 62